What console do you think deserves to be called the best? What would you wait outside all night in the cold at Best Buy, EB Games, Game Stop... for? Why? Or are you the PC kinda guy/girl and prefer World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, etc.?
I feel that the XBox 360 deserves first place as far as the next generation gaming consoles go. It has the best for the price you pay. Many cannot afford the Playstation 3 with its 60G version costing over $700.00. The best Xbox out comes with a hard drive, wireless remote, XBox Live headset, and Xbox live silver already on it for around $400.00. The Nintendo Wii offers the lowest price at $250.00, but Nintendo fails to bring good titles to the console. Xbox has offered the best, and most variety of titles. The original XBox had Halo 2, XBox 360 offers Gears of War, and out soon Halo 3. It offers racing, RPG, First and Third Person Shooter, Sports, Action/Adventure, and many other genres. PS3 offers Blue Ray disc technolgy, however, many PS3 game titles went to Microsoft, because no one is buying PS3 due to the price. Grand Theft Auto games, Assassin's Creed, Forza Motorsports 2, Kingdom Hearts 3, Star Wars battlefront 3, and other games original scheduled for the PS3 switched to Microsoft to sell more games. The XBox 360 to me is the most solid system out there for the best price. The Wii may be the best for children, but for ages 12+ the XBox 360 is the answer for adults.
Being a fan of the first person shootter genre I find the xbox and therefore the xbox 360 my chosen console. However based on price and ease of use the Wii definitly offers the begining gamer a entertianing yet mildly challenging experince.
Well, I must say that I'm a big fan of the Xbox 360. I've never played the PS3, so I can't really comment on it. It seems pricey, so it better be good, but who knows. The Wii is fun, but I'm not sure if I would be entertained playing it for hours on end. The 360, however, I have found myself loosing track of time very easily. It's mystifying.
I personally think that the Wii is the best system out right now.It not only has the most classic games such as mario, zelda, etc. but it also has a new innovative system of gaming no one thought possible until now. Of course some peope will go for the PS3 and Xbox 360 for thier amazing graphics, but i think that gameplay is much more important than this, i think that people that are older will go for the 360 because it's online capability called Xbox Live (which is a place to play games with friends) The PS3 don't get me wrong is a great system with great game titles avialable such as MGS4 and Resistance fall of man, but however the pricing is absurd one of the reasons for this being the blu-ray reader inside the PS3. They should do what microsoft did ( they made a hi-def dvd reader available for purchase but not built in.)this way people who don't care about hi-def dvd's don't have to buy it.
I would have to be a fan about the good XBox 360. Amazing graphics, amazing first person shooters, just all around amazing. i want to get one myself (but the only problem i have with most new systems is the outrageous price). But i would definitely have to stick with the XBox 360 ... purely ingenious!
The Xbox 360 may not have the technology of the PS3 but that is not the only factor in what makes a good console. it is the games and currently the 360 and the wii have blown the PS3 ot of the water because there is only one game for the PS3 worth the 60$ pricetag. the 360 on the otherhand has several games already and the promise of more, namely Halo 3, the single highsest selling game in history behind grand theft auto, and after hot coffee parents are not buying that game anymore and the playstation lost exclusivity rights as well. so we can conclude that the playststion has no games to sell its 700$ system. the wii is a good gimic but its selling will ween because it sells to a single crowd. and so once everyone who wants it buys not many more will sell. all in all the 360 and the wii are much more affordable and much better systems than the PS3. and the 360 has the edge becaus it will be more apprealing to new games and the hardcore, lately microsoft has been upstageing sony much like sony upstaged nintendo with the launch of the PS1 and 2 but the PS3 was too much of an over kill. and now sony is paying the price of trying to technologically jump 2 generations instead of one. the wii is becomeing a supplementary system much like the gamecube became at the end of its life. and always accompany an other system. in the end the 360 is the best system because it follows traditional lines so it will appeal to the hardcore and casual gamer beating the wii and it has the games unlike the PS3.
I believe that the Xbox 360 is the best console that you could get. I also believe that the 360 cost is decent, as the PS3 is way overpriced. Both the PS3 and the Wii don't offer many good games. When The 360 has Gears of War and, from the original Xbox, Halo 2. You'll see that late this year Halo 3 will put up a huge challenge for the Wii and PS3. On top of this Xbox live makes all the games triple the fun.
I don't think that any of those systems are the best i think PC Games are the best. WoW is the best game ever made and Burning Crusade just came out.So PC FTW?!?!?! (FTW means for the win....)
Well, from my media and gaming experience I found that the Xbox 360 incorporates all of the features I look for in my gaming experience. To be honest I haven't been able to play a PS3 because I don't know anyone who has one. It's because there so expensive and for what? The only extra features are the 60 gigs and the Blue Ray disc technology. The problem is that most people have regular DVDs and don't have enough money for the Blue Ray discs so that feature isn't practical. The Wii lacks graphics and that's why its not my number one choice but it does have an awesome interactive gameplay. The Wii seems like a good system but only more for younger kids. The Xbox 360 has great graphics and great gameplay features and has a wide selection of great game titles. When I played the Wii for the first time I had fun but I wasn't blown away like I was when I took my friends on in Gears of War. Microsoft leaves the other systems behind.
I am a huge advocate of the Nintendo wii. I have always been a nintendo man, from the early days of super tecmo bowl and mario 3. I have stayed loyal to both the super nintendo and the 64, and enjoyed the mario classics, as well as zelda, goldeneye, smash brothers and of course, mario party 4, 5, 6 and 7. Not only is the Wii a great price, but it is the most innovative, interactive experience in video gaming ever. I enjoy actually standing up and moving while I play video games, and anyone who doesn't think the Wii is the best can run into a moving car.
I believe that the xbox 360 dominates the online playing field , where as the wii dominates the playing a game by yourself feeling. The PS3 isjust way too expensive, by the time anyone gets enough money to buy it all the games will be realeased for xbox and the wii......
i waited in line for my son to get a wii for 7 hours in the rain. After all of this i realized that there was only 3 wii's and i was 4th in line. After all of this however my son plays it all day long , im actually kind of concerned
It all depends on what you like and don't like. For me, I definitely have to go with Microsoft and the X-Box line. They have, in my opinion, better quality of games, more comfortable controllers, and more bang for you buck. My second choice would probably be the Wii...although all I own is a PS1. The Wii's interface and motion sensitive control system puts games, especially sports games, into a whole new perspective, and definitely is healthier than sitting on your butt mashing buttons. It really has a tendency to draw you into the game you're playing. So my advice, FPS enthusiast? Go Microsoft. Sports? The Wii is for you. anything in between? say yes to Sony.
I really dont know if there is clear answer to this debate. I feel that when it comes to the latest technology Ps3 wins. I mean it is an all in one system. From reviews it explaines it being like a hight tech computer. I have never really been an xbox user, the only thing they have one PS2 is Halo. But in the end I am totally satisified with my good old PS2. The games are effecient. It is very affordable too. It also is well built. I played my first PS2 to the grave. It lasted like 4 or 5 years. I was going to go with and Xbox 360 but PS2 is far more cheaper. You get the most out of your dollar when you buy the PS2, especially now. So PS2 all the way.
I believe that PS3 deserves top billing.... I love the 360, but i have to say that "Resistance: fall of man" lokks pretty flippin sweet. I know its ridiculously pricey... but oh well, this is just opinion stuff.
I think that there are only two systems in the running. After watching my brothers play the PS3 I realize that it is pretty sweet, but they really have one game going for it (resistance fall of man). So that leaves my choice between the wii and xbox 360. I personnally own a wii, and wouldn't trade it for a 360, but I don't deny the 360's power. As a serious gamer, I prefer the wii. It has a few things going for it. One it is fun in the unique sense that no other system has (wii sports demonstrates this very well), and although zelda is amazing for it, I prefer the fun games such as excitetruck, and wii sports. The 360 has the power, and some excellent games (quite a few), but it keeps the same control style that we have had since the original playstation! Control sticks and buttons, nintendo has pulled it off, and I think that the stores shelves even proves my point that the wii is the dominant system with its unique way of playing, and its unique games that only nintendo owns.
So many 360 supporters... the PS3 needs more love!
The PS3 capabilities are superior to the 360, and far superior to the Wii.
The Wii is just a toy. Family games, fun games but no real gaming value (sorry wii lovers).
Additionally, if that wasn't good enough, the PS3 will be the only system to have FFXIII and Metal Gear Solid 4. If you've seen the trailer for those games, you'd be drooling for a PS3 as much as I am.
The PS3 is also designed to last around 10 years, while the Wii will be obselete soon enough, I'm sure.
I believe that if you take price out of the way the PS3 is better as far as ability to play a game, go on the net and many other options that the 360 does not have. Personally i have played alot of XBOX and Play station, and i like the XBOX controller better because it does not hurt to play for a long extended period of time. The 360's graphics ARE comparable to the PS3's, no matter what anyone will say and there is a better selection of games. Now the system of the PS3 is better, but the online play-game selection-controller-price make the 360 a better choice if you are playing any games with multiple players. I would personally get a 360 because i like to play a long time when i do (better controller) and the price..because lets face it...it does actually matter.
Clearly the X-Box 360 is the winner. PS2 was the best console of the last generation because it had the best game selections as it game out earlier than all the rest. X-Box 360 has not only come out earlier, it has better features than both of the other systems. PS3 uses blue ray technology that may not become more popular than DVDs, and probably won't for that matter. PS3 also pulled a complete XBOX and is HUGE! Why they would make small versions of PS one, then PS2 and come out with a GIGANTIC NexGen system is beyond me. Now for the wii, let's be honest, who plays video games to get a work out? Plus Nintendo's refusal to allow third party games to its consoles is holding the company back. How many generations of extremely similar first party games can there be before they become boring and monotonous: the answer is 2, one for N64 and one for GameCube because the graphics actually improved. The Wii didn't even try to improve upon the GameCube's graphics. Sorry Nintendo, thanks for the old days, but you're just not enough anymore. XBox 360 is the best choice hands down.
I have played all 3 systems many times. I own a wii. I will most likely get all 3 systems. The biggest thing with the new systems is what kind of tv you have. If you want to get all you can get out of the Ps3 and Xbox 360 you need to spend the money!!! Not only on the system the tv and games but the Cables as well. You cant compare the wii with the other systems because it’s not meant to be at all like the others. It’s a total different systems. The wii does not have the graphics that ps3 or 360 has but if you don’t have the tv that can do the 1080i for xbox and 1080p for the ps3 it does not matter what u have it’s looks about the same as the wii. Besides the really cool controller the wii has virtual console which you can get your old games from systems such as N64,NES,SNES,Sega Gen and my favorite Turbo graphics16. So if you are the classic gamer like me this can not be beat. The wii also comes with a game wii sports which is won of the most fun games I have ever played!! Yes it very cheesy but the game play is very well done!! And that is what systems have been missing. In the old days games looked like crap but what made a game is the game play like duck hunt and Mario bros 3(NES).The Wii is something for everyone! You could not pay my mom to play X box or PS I tryed. She loves playing the wii my grandma and grandpa love playing the wii. The wii offers a controller that gives the power to do complex controlling for games like Zelda. For your hard core gamer. But yet my 70 year old grandma who cant turn on a computer. Can fully play some games on her own and does so. They Wii is great for ages 1-100.
The PS3 “big thing is blue Ray disc” that is one heck of a great thing because the cheapest blue ray player out there is around $800 to $1000 just for the player. But again sooo unless if you don’t have a $1500 tv. Right now Blue Ray is new and is better then anything out there even better then HDDVD’s. But I am not sure if it will catch on or if something better will come out soon. So it’s very nice thing but it has a unsure future. Give it about 1year or so see if normal players come way down like the dvd player was 1000 when it came out now $20 at walmart.
Hands down the PS3 has the best graphics. The controller is pretty cool same style as the other PS add the 6 Axis which adds some motion like the wii controller. Because of it. It has no rumble Sony says they could not put it in. I think if Nintendo can get rumble and speaker with sounds in there controller Sony could have too. The PS3 runs on the high end of cost but as the saying goes you get what you pay for. It’s cost sony $850 to make the PS3. I do find the ps3 to be a little to big it’s weight is 11 lbs that’s bigger then a most babies.
The Xbox360 is a fair priced great graphics and because it’s been out for over a year lots of games to pick from. Microsoft made a great move bring there system out before the rest. A little rushed on there behalf the 360's bugs were pretty bad have disc’s melt yeah not so great. It still has a over heating problem it runs way too hot. But you can buy things to fix that which adds to the cost of it. Also you can get a hddvd player to go with it which goes for $200.But if you add all the little things they you would get anyways with the ps3 it ends up costing more then the ps3. I don’t find to much different in the graphics from the 360 and the ps3 they both are great. But the graphics are more going to come from the maker of the game if they want to make great graphics they will if they don’t want to there not going to be great.
All in all what have have been saying is each system has it’s strong points and weak. And what you want to get out of a system is what system you going to want. The wii is for everyone it’s a lot cheaper smaller and everyone can play. Great for family’s of all ages, parties, and classic gaming. Also It’s different then anything ever before. Also has all the good Mario Games which are my favorite. Great buy for anyone also because it’s so different it would be a great 2nd system to a xbox360 or ps3 and the games are a lot cheaper then xbox360 and PS3. The ps3 is lacking on games right now but it’s new give it time Resistance Fall of Man is one of the better titles out there for it. It also has many good sports games to, NHL 2k7, Fight night Round 3 and NBA 2k7.
For playing sports games I think the ps3 is the best. Sport games need the graphics that the wii does not put out. It is fun to swing the bat or pass the ball like you would if you were really playing. But all around the classic type of controlling is better for sports games.
The Xbox360 is going to have Halo 3 which is not going to be all that much different then halo and halo 2. I am not the biggest Halo fan but there are lots of people out there that will buy a 360 just for it. There is also gears of war which is a great looking game. Pretty fun as well both games not for the younger ages. So really you cant really say one is much better then the other because it’s what type of gamer you are. I would say the Wii is the best buy and everyone should pick one up will be nice as a 2nd or main system. Also if you don’t have a HDTV with 1080i or 1080p or at least 720p the wii is for you. Great for all ages and best system for younger ages. PS3 is the best system if you have the money and the tv and cables to get full use out of it. Sports gamers and people who really like the graphics it’s for you as well. Also anyone who wants a cheap Blue Ray disc player it’s one of the best blue ray players out there on top as being a full out system. The Xbox 360 if you want to play shooter games it’s the way to go Halo And Gears of war plus all the other war games out there.
Many have complained that XBox has had a lot of things go wrong, such as melt downs, and game discs being eatin. The Wii remote had a recall on the wrist braclet. The PS3 has even had its share of problems.
There has been 3.16 Million Nintendo Wii's sold, 10.4 Million XBox 360's, and 1.25 Million Playstation 3's sold. So far the Xbox 360 wins in popularity so there is no argueing that. As far as the 2006 Christmas holiday alone however, the Wii had the most demand, and the most sales in the United States.
If money was not the option, many feel the PS3 would have the most sales.
You should play any 7th generation game console with an HD or Plasma TV, it is night and day. You could play without one, but it is amazing! Each console has it's ups and downs. XBox 360 offers the best to me personally.
Although my gaming experience is limited because i haven't tried the PS3 or the XBox 360, i really enjoyed playing the Nintendo Wii. The Wii really made me part of the game. But I have only really tried some of the sports games, so I don't know how extensive the more tactical games are. I am not saying the Wii is better than the PS3 or the XBox 360, i just had fun with the Wii. The Wii might be meant for a younger crowd that have the energy to participate in highly active games.
Having a PS2, i would like to purchase a PS3, but it costs so much. If you match the graphics of the PS3 and the XBox 360 i think i would have to give that to the PS3. Know if you match the cost between those two, i would have to give that to the XBox 360 because i think that is the best price for what you get. Although you have to take into consideration that the XBox doesn't come with a DVD player and has had problems freezing, i am not sure what problems the PS3 has? except the price...
I haven't played any of the new systems yet. I know some people that own a Nintendo Wii and I am hoping to try it out soon. I have definitely looked at the games in the stores for all 3 of these syestems with my brother. I love how the Nintendo Wii have some of the old school games that you could play on Nintendo and Super Nintendo. I also like how the Nintendo Wii is an interactive form of gaming. So I would have to go with the Nintendo Wii plus it was the number 1 demand for Christmas this past year.
I just got FIFA 2007 for XBox 360 and that game alone is worth buying the system, not to mention that it has an amazing online capability. A lot of people on here are big shooter fans, I am a sports gameman at times, though shooter games rock! 360 Baby!
The price of the PS3 may lower after Christmas 2007, there will be a lot of game releases around the fall and winter of this year, so prices will most likely not fall for quite some time now.
The PlayStation 3 is technologically superior to the Xbox 360, i also believe that it's going to take months or even years for game developers to really take advantage of the PS3's horsepower. Right now, i think reviews say graphics quality and realism for PS3 and Xbox 360 are equally excellent. But because Xbox had a 12-month head start over PS3, it has a much larger library of games. Both systems can play games in high-def if you have an HDTV. The Xbox also has better-integrated online gaming. If you don't care about online gaming, a basic version of the Xbox 360 goes for $300.
The new Nintendo Wii is addictive, intuitive and fun. Nintendo chose not to compete with Xbox or PS3 when it comes to realistic graphics. Rather, the focus is on the Wii Remote -- an innovative motion-sensitive controller that gets players off the couch, waving the controller around in the air. Reviews agree that hard-core gamers will be disappointed in the Wii, but that's not the Wii's intended audience. Rather, experts say the Nintendo Wii is great for families and groups. If you prefer intense first-person-shooter games or epic fantasy gaming, you'll be happier with an Xbox 360. But reviews agree that the Nintendo is more of a crowd-pleaser, and it's a lot cheaper than Xbox 360 or PS3.
I'm personally a huge pc fan when it comes to gaming. I've played the ps3 and really wasn't all that impressed with it. Besides that, it's overpriced for what it is. I think the Xbox360 is probably the best console out right now. The Wii is a good system as well. It's a lot less costly than the other two, granted it doesn't have near as many games to choose from as the other systems. But Nintendo went for the fun aspect on that, not so much for graphics. pc ftw.
Please feel free to post opinions, keeping respect for other people's in mind. Also note that there are a variety of age groups on blog, so avoid profanity. Thank you.
I feel that the XBox 360 deserves first place as far as the next generation gaming consoles go. It has the best for the price you pay. Many cannot afford the Playstation 3 with its 60G version costing over $700.00. The best Xbox out comes with a hard drive, wireless remote, XBox Live headset, and Xbox live silver already on it for around $400.00. The Nintendo Wii offers the lowest price at $250.00, but Nintendo fails to bring good titles to the console. Xbox has offered the best, and most variety of titles. The original XBox had Halo 2, XBox 360 offers Gears of War, and out soon Halo 3. It offers racing, RPG, First and Third Person Shooter, Sports, Action/Adventure, and many other genres. PS3 offers Blue Ray disc technolgy, however, many PS3 game titles went to Microsoft, because no one is buying PS3 due to the price. Grand Theft Auto games, Assassin's Creed, Forza Motorsports 2, Kingdom Hearts 3, Star Wars battlefront 3, and other games original scheduled for the PS3 switched to Microsoft to sell more games. The XBox 360 to me is the most solid system out there for the best price. The Wii may be the best for children, but for ages 12+ the XBox 360 is the answer for adults.
Being a fan of the first person shootter genre I find the xbox and therefore the xbox 360 my chosen console. However based on price and ease of use the Wii definitly offers the begining gamer a entertianing yet mildly challenging experince.
Well, I must say that I'm a big fan of the Xbox 360. I've never played the PS3, so I can't really comment on it. It seems pricey, so it better be good, but who knows. The Wii is fun, but I'm not sure if I would be entertained playing it for hours on end. The 360, however, I have found myself loosing track of time very easily. It's mystifying.
I am a PS2 fan. I have never played any of the systems mentioned here.
I personally think that the Wii is the best system out right now.It not only has the most classic games such as mario, zelda, etc. but it also has a new innovative system of gaming no one thought possible until now.
Of course some peope will go for the PS3 and Xbox 360 for thier amazing graphics, but i think that gameplay is much more important than this, i think that people that are older will go for the 360 because it's online capability called Xbox Live (which is a place to play games with friends)
The PS3 don't get me wrong is a great system with great game titles avialable such as MGS4 and Resistance fall of man, but however the pricing is absurd one of the reasons for this being the blu-ray reader inside the PS3. They should do what microsoft did ( they made a hi-def dvd reader available for purchase but not built in.)this way people who don't care about hi-def dvd's don't have to buy it.
I would have to be a fan about the good XBox 360. Amazing graphics, amazing first person shooters, just all around amazing. i want to get one myself (but the only problem i have with most new systems is the outrageous price). But i would definitely have to stick with the XBox 360 ... purely ingenious!
The Xbox 360 may not have the technology of the PS3 but that is not the only factor in what makes a good console. it is the games and currently the 360 and the wii have blown the PS3 ot of the water because there is only one game for the PS3 worth the 60$ pricetag. the 360 on the otherhand has several games already and the promise of more, namely Halo 3, the single highsest selling game in history behind grand theft auto, and after hot coffee parents are not buying that game anymore and the playstation lost exclusivity rights as well. so we can conclude that the playststion has no games to sell its 700$ system. the wii is a good gimic but its selling will ween because it sells to a single crowd. and so once everyone who wants it buys not many more will sell. all in all the 360 and the wii are much more affordable and much better systems than the PS3. and the 360 has the edge becaus it will be more apprealing to new games and the hardcore, lately microsoft has been upstageing sony much like sony upstaged nintendo with the launch of the PS1 and 2 but the PS3 was too much of an over kill. and now sony is paying the price of trying to technologically jump 2 generations instead of one. the wii is becomeing a supplementary system much like the gamecube became at the end of its life. and always accompany an other system. in the end the 360 is the best system because it follows traditional lines so it will appeal to the hardcore and casual gamer beating the wii and it has the games unlike the PS3.
I believe that the Xbox 360 is the best console that you could get. I also believe that the 360 cost is decent, as the PS3 is way overpriced.
Both the PS3 and the Wii don't offer many good games. When The 360 has Gears of War and, from the original Xbox, Halo 2. You'll see that late this year Halo 3 will put up a huge challenge for the Wii and PS3. On top of this Xbox live makes all the games triple the fun.
I don't think that any of those systems are the best i think PC Games are the best. WoW is the best game ever made and Burning Crusade just came out.So PC FTW?!?!?!
(FTW means for the win....)
Well, from my media and gaming experience I found that the Xbox 360 incorporates all of the features I look for in my gaming experience. To be honest I haven't been able to play a PS3 because I don't know anyone who has one. It's because there so expensive and for what? The only extra features are the 60 gigs and the Blue Ray disc technology. The problem is that most people have regular DVDs and don't have enough money for the Blue Ray discs so that feature isn't practical. The Wii lacks graphics and that's why its not my number one choice but it does have an awesome interactive gameplay. The Wii seems like a good system but only more for younger kids. The Xbox 360 has great graphics and great gameplay features and has a wide selection of great game titles. When I played the Wii for the first time I had fun but I wasn't blown away like I was when I took my friends on in Gears of War. Microsoft leaves the other systems behind.
I am a huge advocate of the Nintendo wii. I have always been a nintendo man, from the early days of super tecmo bowl and mario 3. I have stayed loyal to both the super nintendo and the 64, and enjoyed the mario classics, as well as zelda, goldeneye, smash brothers and of course, mario party 4, 5, 6 and 7. Not only is the Wii a great price, but it is the most innovative, interactive experience in video gaming ever. I enjoy actually standing up and moving while I play video games, and anyone who doesn't think the Wii is the best can run into a moving car.
I think the sega genesis is the best. sonic the hedgehog for life!!
I believe that the xbox 360 dominates the online playing field , where as the wii dominates the playing a game by yourself feeling. The PS3 isjust way too expensive, by the time anyone gets enough money to buy it all the games will be realeased for xbox and the wii......
i waited in line for my son to get a wii for 7 hours in the rain. After all of this i realized that there was only 3 wii's and i was 4th in line. After all of this however my son plays it all day long , im actually kind of concerned
Halo 3
It all depends on what you like and don't like. For me, I definitely have to go with Microsoft and the X-Box line. They have, in my opinion, better quality of games, more comfortable controllers, and more bang for you buck. My second choice would probably be the Wii...although all I own is a PS1. The Wii's interface and motion sensitive control system puts games, especially sports games, into a whole new perspective, and definitely is healthier than sitting on your butt mashing buttons. It really has a tendency to draw you into the game you're playing. So my advice, FPS enthusiast? Go Microsoft. Sports? The Wii is for you. anything in between? say yes to Sony.
I really dont know if there is clear answer to this debate. I feel that when it comes to the latest technology Ps3 wins. I mean it is an all in one system. From reviews it explaines it being like a hight tech computer. I have never really been an xbox user, the only thing they have one PS2 is Halo. But in the end I am totally satisified with my good old PS2. The games are effecient. It is very affordable too. It also is well built. I played my first PS2 to the grave. It lasted like 4 or 5 years. I was going to go with and Xbox 360 but PS2 is far more cheaper. You get the most out of your dollar when you buy the PS2, especially now. So PS2 all the way.
I believe that PS3 deserves top billing.... I love the 360, but i have to say that "Resistance: fall of man" lokks pretty flippin sweet. I know its ridiculously pricey... but oh well, this is just opinion stuff.
I think that there are only two systems in the running. After watching my brothers play the PS3 I realize that it is pretty sweet, but they really have one game going for it (resistance fall of man). So that leaves my choice between the wii and xbox 360. I personnally own a wii, and wouldn't trade it for a 360, but I don't deny the 360's power. As a serious gamer, I prefer the wii. It has a few things going for it. One it is fun in the unique sense that no other system has (wii sports demonstrates this very well), and although zelda is amazing for it, I prefer the fun games such as excitetruck, and wii sports. The 360 has the power, and some excellent games (quite a few), but it keeps the same control style that we have had since the original playstation! Control sticks and buttons, nintendo has pulled it off, and I think that the stores shelves even proves my point that the wii is the dominant system with its unique way of playing, and its unique games that only nintendo owns.
So many 360 supporters... the PS3 needs more love!
The PS3 capabilities are superior to the 360, and far superior to the Wii.
The Wii is just a toy. Family games, fun games but no real gaming value (sorry wii lovers).
Additionally, if that wasn't good enough, the PS3 will be the only system to have FFXIII and Metal Gear Solid 4. If you've seen the trailer for those games, you'd be drooling for a PS3 as much as I am.
The PS3 is also designed to last around 10 years, while the Wii will be obselete soon enough, I'm sure.
Plus, the PS3 just looks freaking slick.
dude...the 360 graphics are unreal...the Wii is a blast...it all depends on what you're looking for...just play something!
I believe that if you take price out of the way the PS3 is better as far as ability to play a game, go on the net and many other options that the 360 does not have. Personally i have played alot of XBOX and Play station, and i like the XBOX controller better because it does not hurt to play for a long extended period of time. The 360's graphics ARE comparable to the PS3's, no matter what anyone will say and there is a better selection of games. Now the system of the PS3 is better, but the online play-game selection-controller-price make the 360 a better choice if you are playing any games with multiple players. I would personally get a 360 because i like to play a long time when i do (better controller) and the price..because lets face it...it does actually matter.
Clearly the X-Box 360 is the winner. PS2 was the best console of the last generation because it had the best game selections as it game out earlier than all the rest. X-Box 360 has not only come out earlier, it has better features than both of the other systems. PS3 uses blue ray technology that may not become more popular than DVDs, and probably won't for that matter. PS3 also pulled a complete XBOX and is HUGE! Why they would make small versions of PS one, then PS2 and come out with a GIGANTIC NexGen system is beyond me. Now for the wii, let's be honest, who plays video games to get a work out? Plus Nintendo's refusal to allow third party games to its consoles is holding the company back. How many generations of extremely similar first party games can there be before they become boring and monotonous: the answer is 2, one for N64 and one for GameCube because the graphics actually improved. The Wii didn't even try to improve upon the GameCube's graphics. Sorry Nintendo, thanks for the old days, but you're just not enough anymore. XBox 360 is the best choice hands down.
Everyone keeps saying 360...Metal Gear Solid 4...Resistance Fall of Man...all for PS3!!!
I have played all 3 systems many times. I own a wii. I will most likely get all 3 systems. The biggest thing with the new systems is what kind of tv you have. If you want to get all you can get out of the Ps3 and Xbox 360 you need to spend the money!!! Not only on the system the tv and games but the Cables as well. You cant compare the wii with the other systems because it’s not meant to be at all like the others. It’s a total different systems. The wii does not have the graphics that ps3 or 360 has but if you don’t have the tv that can do the 1080i for xbox and 1080p for the ps3 it does not matter what u have it’s looks about the same as the wii. Besides the really cool controller the wii has virtual console which you can get your old games from systems such as N64,NES,SNES,Sega Gen and my favorite Turbo graphics16. So if you are the classic gamer like me this can not be beat. The wii also comes with a game wii sports which is won of the most fun games I have ever played!! Yes it very cheesy but the game play is very well done!! And that is what systems have been missing. In the old days games looked like crap but what made a game is the game play like duck hunt and Mario bros 3(NES).The Wii is something for everyone! You could not pay my mom to play X box or PS I tryed. She loves playing the wii my grandma and grandpa love playing the wii. The wii offers a controller that gives the power to do complex controlling for games like Zelda. For your hard core gamer. But yet my 70 year old grandma who cant turn on a computer. Can fully play some games on her own and does so. They Wii is great for ages 1-100.
The PS3 “big thing is blue Ray disc” that is one heck of a great thing because the cheapest blue ray player out there is around $800 to $1000 just for the player. But again sooo unless if you don’t have a $1500 tv. Right now Blue Ray is new and is better then anything out there even better then HDDVD’s. But I am not sure if it will catch on or if something better will come out soon. So it’s very nice thing but it has a unsure future. Give it about 1year or so see if normal players come way down like the dvd player was 1000 when it came out now $20 at walmart.
Hands down the PS3 has the best graphics. The controller is pretty cool same style as the other PS add the 6 Axis which adds some motion like the wii controller. Because of it. It has no rumble Sony says they could not put it in. I think if Nintendo can get rumble and speaker with sounds in there controller Sony could have too. The PS3 runs on the high end of cost but as the saying goes you get what you pay for. It’s cost sony $850 to make the PS3. I do find the ps3 to be a little to big it’s weight is 11 lbs that’s bigger then a most babies.
The Xbox360 is a fair priced great graphics and because it’s been out for over a year lots of games to pick from. Microsoft made a great move bring there system out before the rest. A little rushed on there behalf the 360's bugs were pretty bad have disc’s melt yeah not so great. It still has a over heating problem it runs way too hot. But you can buy things to fix that which adds to the cost of it. Also you can get a hddvd player to go with it which goes for $200.But if you add all the little things they you would get anyways with the ps3 it ends up costing more then the ps3. I don’t find to much different in the graphics from the 360 and the ps3 they both are great. But the graphics are more going to come from the maker of the game if they want to make great graphics they will if they don’t want to there not going to be great.
All in all what have have been saying is each system has it’s strong points and weak. And what you want to get out of a system is what system you going to want. The wii is for everyone it’s a lot cheaper smaller and everyone can play. Great for family’s of all ages, parties, and classic gaming. Also It’s different then anything ever before. Also has all the good Mario Games which are my favorite. Great buy for anyone also because it’s so different it would be a great 2nd system to a xbox360 or ps3 and the games are a lot cheaper then xbox360 and PS3. The ps3 is lacking on games right now but it’s new give it time Resistance Fall of Man is one of the better titles out there for it. It also has many good sports games to, NHL 2k7, Fight night Round 3 and NBA 2k7.
For playing sports games I think the ps3 is the best. Sport games need the graphics that the wii does not put out. It is fun to swing the bat or pass the ball like you would if you were really playing. But all around the classic type of controlling is better for sports games.
The Xbox360 is going to have Halo 3 which is not going to be all that much different then halo and halo 2. I am not the biggest Halo fan but there are lots of people out there that will buy a 360 just for it. There is also gears of war which is a great looking game. Pretty fun as well both games not for the younger ages. So really you cant really say one is much better then the other because it’s what type of gamer you are. I would say the Wii is the best buy and everyone should pick one up will be nice as a 2nd or main system. Also if you don’t have a HDTV with 1080i or 1080p or at least 720p the wii is for you. Great for all ages and best system for younger ages. PS3 is the best system if you have the money and the tv and cables to get full use out of it. Sports gamers and people who really like the graphics it’s for you as well. Also anyone who wants a cheap Blue Ray disc player it’s one of the best blue ray players out there on top as being a full out system. The Xbox 360 if you want to play shooter games it’s the way to go Halo And Gears of war plus all the other war games out there.
Many have complained that XBox has had a lot of things go wrong, such as melt downs, and game discs being eatin. The Wii remote had a recall on the wrist braclet. The PS3 has even had its share of problems.
There has been 3.16 Million Nintendo Wii's sold, 10.4 Million XBox 360's, and 1.25 Million Playstation 3's sold. So far the Xbox 360 wins in popularity so there is no argueing that. As far as the 2006 Christmas holiday alone however, the Wii had the most demand, and the most sales in the United States.
If money was not the option, many feel the PS3 would have the most sales.
You should play any 7th generation game console with an HD or Plasma TV, it is night and day. You could play without one, but it is amazing! Each console has it's ups and downs. XBox 360 offers the best to me personally.
Although my gaming experience is limited because i haven't tried the PS3 or the XBox 360, i really enjoyed playing the Nintendo Wii. The Wii really made me part of the game. But I have only really tried some of the sports games, so I don't know how extensive the more tactical games are. I am not saying the Wii is better than the PS3 or the XBox 360, i just had fun with the Wii. The Wii might be meant for a younger crowd that have the energy to participate in highly active games.
Having a PS2, i would like to purchase a PS3, but it costs so much. If you match the graphics of the PS3 and the XBox 360 i think i would have to give that to the PS3. Know if you match the cost between those two, i would have to give that to the XBox 360 because i think that is the best price for what you get. Although you have to take into consideration that the XBox doesn't come with a DVD player and has had problems freezing, i am not sure what problems the PS3 has? except the price...
GO XBox 360!!
I haven't played any of the new systems yet. I know some people that own a Nintendo Wii and I am hoping to try it out soon. I have definitely looked at the games in the stores for all 3 of these syestems with my brother. I love how the Nintendo Wii have some of the old school games that you could play on Nintendo and Super Nintendo. I also like how the Nintendo Wii is an interactive form of gaming. So I would have to go with the Nintendo Wii plus it was the number 1 demand for Christmas this past year.
Being a big fan who has played Gears of War for hours I prefer the XBox 360 as the best next generation console.
does anyone know when the price of the PS3 is gonna lower its price? and the price of its games?
not for a while
I just got FIFA 2007 for XBox 360 and that game alone is worth buying the system, not to mention that it has an amazing online capability. A lot of people on here are big shooter fans, I am a sports gameman at times, though shooter games rock! 360 Baby!
The price of the PS3 may lower after Christmas 2007, there will be a lot of game releases around the fall and winter of this year, so prices will most likely not fall for quite some time now.
The PS3 is the best system by FAR!!! Has the best graphics...best controllers...and doesn't freeze..and comes with a DVD player..
The PlayStation 3 is technologically superior to the Xbox 360, i also believe that it's going to take months or even years for game developers to really take advantage of the PS3's horsepower. Right now, i think reviews say graphics quality and realism for PS3 and Xbox 360 are equally excellent. But because Xbox had a 12-month head start over PS3, it has a much larger library of games. Both systems can play games in high-def if you have an HDTV. The Xbox also has better-integrated online gaming. If you don't care about online gaming, a basic version of the Xbox 360 goes for $300.
The new Nintendo Wii is addictive, intuitive and fun. Nintendo chose not to compete with Xbox or PS3 when it comes to realistic graphics. Rather, the focus is on the Wii Remote -- an innovative motion-sensitive controller that gets players off the couch, waving the controller around in the air. Reviews agree that hard-core gamers will be disappointed in the Wii, but that's not the Wii's intended audience. Rather, experts say the Nintendo Wii is great for families and groups. If you prefer intense first-person-shooter games or epic fantasy gaming, you'll be happier with an Xbox 360. But reviews agree that the Nintendo is more of a crowd-pleaser, and it's a lot cheaper than Xbox 360 or PS3.
As far as what you get for what you pay, i'd go with the XBox 360...PS3 is way too expensive
I'm personally a huge pc fan when it comes to gaming.
I've played the ps3 and really wasn't all that impressed with it. Besides that, it's overpriced for what it is. I think the Xbox360 is probably the best console out right now. The Wii is a good system as well. It's a lot less costly than the other two, granted it doesn't have near as many games to choose from as the other systems. But Nintendo went for the fun aspect on that, not so much for graphics.
pc ftw.
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